Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thank You Hampers Any Idea For E Name Of A Website Selling Cookies, Cakes, Gift Hampers And Flowers? Thank U So Much! :)?

Any idea for E name of a website selling cookies, cakes, gift hampers and flowers? Thank u so much! :)? - thank you hampers

Your line will be something that a small shop. A name thts elegant and different, perhaps? We welcome all suggestions!


shag82 said...

Harry and David. They are a little expensive, but throughout the year. Meat, cheese, Frutis, smoked fish, candies, cookies, seasonal plants and a variety of other festive things. They come in towers, and baskets and gift wrapping paper was excellent. ENJOY!

shag82 said...

Harry and David. They are a little expensive, but throughout the year. Meat, cheese, Frutis, smoked fish, candies, cookies, seasonal plants and a variety of other festive things. They come in towers, and baskets and gift wrapping paper was excellent. ENJOY!

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